Project Update - July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024

On July 15, 2024, preconstruction work is beginning in order to prepare the site for construction. This week's activity includes soil profiling, which is a detailed examination and analysis of soil layers, and is a standard part of preparing a site for construction. A small drilling rig that is approximately seven feet tall will extract samples from various depths at a variety of locations around the site. The drilling will take a few days to complete.

This activity provides an additional opportunity to examine the site for human remains and/or cultural resources, and for that reason archaeological and tribal monitors are onsite for the soil profiling work. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this project confirms that, to date, no indigenous cultural resources or human remains have been found at People's Park. The EIR also outlines mitigation measures the university is committed to undertake should any cultural resources be found during the forthcoming construction project, and construction crews are being provided with training to ensure they can respond appropriately to any discovery of cultural resources or human remains. The EIR also commits the university to ensure there are tribal and archaeological monitors on site during excavation activities, who have the authority to suspend work if/when cultural resources are discovered – a standard practice for campus construction projects on university property.

At this point the campus has yet to finalize the exact start date for actual construction. Additional updates will be shared on the project's website as warranted.