There was extensive criminal activity at People's Park, much of it violent.
People who frequented and/or slept in the park before construction began, were usually victims, not the perpetrators, of this activity. Whatever one thinks of the ideals that motivated the creation of the park, it was difficult to see the park as embodying those ideals.
Criminal activity at People's Park (past 3 years):

Criminal activity at the park had intensified.
In the 3 years before the park was closed for construction, there were 18 rapes, 19 robberies, 110 aggravated assaults, and 48 drug and 6 weapons arrests. In 2021, a UC Berkeley undergraduate was stabbed after walking past the park at night—the suspect has been charged with attempted murder. In 2017, a woman was arrested for attempted murder after feeding methamphetamine to a two-year-old.
The park was large, open on three sides, filled with vegetation that obscures activities, and was never designed for particular activities or recreation. The park was disconnected and isolated from the surrounding community, especially at night.
Our plans offer not just housing, but the promise of a safer neighborhood and a revitalized park that will be used by all.
The configuration of the new park is thoughtfully designed to allow clear views and daylighting. Walkways and paths will bring pedestrians and residents of the new housing through the site, rather than around it. Features of the new park will allow a wider array of individuals to enjoy the park.
The design of the new park space focuses on visibility throughout — no hidden corners. If places are visible to the public, crime is less likely to occur. The new student and supportive housing buildings will feature entries and windows facing the open space that allow residents to view and monitor activities in the surrounding neighborhood.